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Monday, March 30, 2009

The Black Hole of Shame

The Black Hole of Shame

By Brian Lynch, M.D.

What is a “black hole?” Albert Einstein predicted the existence of black holes and later doubted that prediction. It turned out that he was right, they do exist. They are large objects in space that have powerful gravitational fields, so powerful that everything that comes near them falls into them, even light. It is hard to distinguish them from the black space around them.

I am not the first to think of shame, in its intense form, as causing a person to become a human black hole. Many times I have noted that when we feel bad, and feeling bad can be expressed as feeling a sense of shame, we can only move through a series of possible activities that are remarkably restricted and those activities are, we can "withdraw," we can "attack" ourselves or others or we can "avoid" and all these can be envisioned as such:

Now envision a circular rail connecting the four poles of this “Compass” that enables the person to go from one pole to another in a clockwise fashion starting at “withdraw.” Now imagine the train that is taking the person around this rail going faster and faster. The faster the train goes the more centripetal force there is holding the person in and like a black hole everything that comes in contact with this force will be drawn into the circle.

It seems at times that all the love and interest in the world one might heap on the person is of no avail, it simply gets sucked up into the black hole of shame. Why shame? Because shame is the fuel for the train, shame that turns to guilt and embarrassment and being ashamed for even existing. Nothing matters but the pain of my shame. I cannot see the pain I cause others as mine now has become so great and it continues to feed on itself. It sucks up all the air in the room, all my ability to comprehend someone else is blocked.

This is the toxic shame that should never have been as shame is not meant to be toxic. Shame is meant to be a friendly reminder that something is out of place. Shame is that feeling that things are not going right and we should pay closer attention and fix the problem. Not that we should turn away or blame ourselves or someone else for the problem. These “solutions” only delay getting back to life’s pleasures; back to love, friendship productive work. Yes, easier said than done but true.

This is not to say it is easy or that pain is not incapacitating. People do not choose this pain. I hope that at least now we can write about it and understand it and that reading about and understanding it will empower some to be able to control the pain. How? We can begin to take action on the fact that it would be impossible to have such excruciating pain without the fact that the pain has to have a cause. 

What is the cause? It is the desire for something in the positive as intense as the pain we are suffering. The pain is proportional to the desire that is not achieved. Just as powerful. Take the first step to regain that which you lost. The pain gets better.

Copyright 2009

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