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Psychology blogs & blog posts

Thursday, April 29, 2010

In memoriam

 Father Michael van der Peet, S.C.J. 
Yesterday, I attended the funeral and burial of my friend Farther Michael van der Peet S.C.J. in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Of course each is in relation to other with a personal history and biography.  Many people have rich lives growing up with large families and a number of friends they will have throughout their lives. It is too noted that your siblings are those you will probably know longer than anyone else in your life. Now with his passing I note with  great sadness that  it so happens in my life that here is one of the few people that I knew from my early life that has followed me into my adulthood and one that cared about and for me, truly cared about me that is no longer with me.

Way leads on to way and as we say in my business  we "repress" our better instincts and so I did until yesterday and until now realize his importance as a family friend and personal friend who I should have paid more attention too.

I had met him as a child through my sister who for a while was a nun . My most extended contact with him was on a road trip to Mexico with the family and him to visit her. On the way back I remember there was some promise to visit "The Alamo" but time was short and we missed the turn off. He sensed my bitter disappoint and tried to speak to it. I know I had very mixed emotions at the time but  a lasting effect held that he tried to connect with me and recognize my pain. I find this advanced parenting technique even today.

Later, not so long ago, I asked his opinion on some psychological material I had put together and I must say that to this day he is one of only several  people in over a decade that have taken the time to do such a thoughtful critique as he did.

And so I lament not having taken the drive north, to meet if only a couple of more times. 

Our loves and interests should so much be in the doing.

It is  ourselves we weep for.

Brian Lynch April 29th, 2010.

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